New Hope Vacation Rental- 4500 sq ft - sleeps 10+
- 6 bedrooms / 3.5 baths
- set on 5.5 acres
- has heated pool
- includes a stone house and a barn that has been redone to accommodate additional guests
This place looks big enough and nice enough to host the ceremony and/or reception. I'm completely torn between doing the house thing or going somewhere to minimize the planning and # of vendors I'll have to worry about. I'd love to rent the house
and have the ceremony/reception somewhere else, but that really isn't an option. I'm so indecisive about this!!!!!!!! Any thoughts???

that location is beautiful, it looks tropical.
i think if you continue with the house idea, that a wedding planner would really help you. she would be able to give you advice, organize you in a way you don't know how to since this process is so new, and really give you guidance. then your # of vendors, and planning would be minimized. she could orchestra your wants and needs between all your vendors, give you timelines, give them timelines and orders, and just let you concentrate on the details that you want to handle without all the behind the scenes major stress and hassle. she is basically your voice and you can give her as much control as you want. planning in an area you don't know much about is a HUGE task and she could help you feel less lost and overwhelmed.
Thanks for getting back to me so soon bf! I know what you mean about the planner, since we haven't really decided on an area (at least not 100%), it's made finding a planner really tough. Hopefully we'll decide on something this weekend and then I can find a planner. This place would be nice too because the planner wouldn't be as far away as the other house (2 hour drive vs. 4 hour drive). I'll keep you posted!
i think the ceremony sites you had listed on the other post look amazing as well. all so elegant. it would really cut down on a TON of stress and you could be more guaranteed that everything would work out as it should and not be as worried. planning can suck, and weddings are stressful but you want to be able to enjoy this time too.
would it help you at all if i listed some pros and cons from our wedding, not in detail but overall, the big things? things we didn't really count on or realize until the week of? things we might have done differently?
yes, that would be very helpful! thank you!
I think that you should forget about everyone else and do what you feel like is best for you. As far as the vendor problem goes, I agree with Christina that that problem could be solved with a wedding planner who can orchestrate all those things without you having to feel overwhelmed. This newest location surely is beautiful. I think you need to think about what the things that are most important to you about your wedding. For example, spending extended time with close friends and family? Or a gorgeous venue? Do you feel you are particular about certain aspects? Or are you ok with relinquishing some control to a planner? Perhaps ranking pros and cons on a piece of paper would help. I think that all of these things are beautiful and I know you'll be able to make it work. I just want you to have what you really want. I think once you pick a venue then you'll feel a million times better. I have more to say but I feel like I'm babbling on. But most important - don't second guess yourself too much.
Also I like the newest place because it has a separate barn where the reception could be held and I think it could be really special with the pool right outside. Just sayin.....
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