There actually isn't too much to say about the tasting- it was good, although there wasn't as much decor as I had anticipated. I was hoping to see more floral arrangements so I could decide if I'm going to use their in-house florist. At this point, I'm leaning toward no... We made some lodging decisions while we were there. There is the main hotel, with the standard rooms and there are also these "houses" outside of the main hotel, which house the suites. So, we reserved the entire "Carriage House", for the bridal party and parents of the bride/groom. So- when making your reservations, you will call Paul Junas (215)616-8506 directly and let him know which room # you will be reserving. We have a rough draft of which room will work best for whom, and will let you know your room #'s prior to booking. That way, we can all be in the same "house". The reason we're going to assign room #'s is because one room is going to be a hospitality room so everyone can have a place to hang out and get food/drinks/snacks/etc. after the wedding is over. Also, this room will be connected to my parents room, so we really had to map out who would be in what room to make sure that all of these plans fell into place. We got the suite rates knocked down to $159/nt (was $189/nt), so that's a nice bonus too! I'm going to post some pics of the rooms- although the quality is lacking on some because I took a few of them on my phone.

This isn't the Carriage House, but it is a picture of one of the "houses" where all the suites are located. This pic was actually taken to show that there's a nice little grassy area right outside our house if we ever wanted to hang out outside.

Bathroom in one of the downstairs rooms

I think this is the room we are planning to use as the hospitality room for those that want to hang out after the wedding:

Each room has a fridge and microwave:

Some of the upstairs rooms have the original beams exposed:

Although there aren't really any common areas in these houses, there is a cute little sitting area outside of the two rooms on the second floor:
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