The pictures of me turned out terrible and I'm hesitant to post them because they really don't do the dresses any favors-- at all. Obviously, a professional photographer will be taking pictures from more flattering angles and this will not be an issue on the day of the wedding. I will post the one of me in the dress I liked the most. Disregard the weird skin discolorations on my shoulders- I was trying to photoshop my bra straps out to make it look nicer.

And on the model:

The problem with these two dresses is that the one on the left comes in a color I really like, but not what I had planned to have for the wedding and the one on the right- I'm not completely sold on the bow. If there were a way it could hang down and not be so obnoxious- I would really like it.
So, I saved the best two pictures for last. Hahahaha. The 6554 was waaaayyy too big for me, so trying it on really didn't help at all. I think the look on my face here is priceless. My other complaint about that one would be that I'm not too sure about the halter- it is flattering, but might not be fancy enough to go with my dress. The 2792 was also too big, which made it look pretty unflattering when I tried it on. My main reason for posting these two pictures is just to give an idea of how different some of these dresses are once you try them on....