- My Bouquet - roses in 3 shades of pink
- Bridamaid Bouqeuts - a "mini" version of my bouquet, but only with the 2 lighter shades of pink (so the darker shade won't clash and/or blend with the dress)
- Groom's Boutonniere - dark pink rose
- Groomsmen - medium pink rose
- Ushers - light pink rose
- Centerpieces - all dark pink carnations
~PHOTOGRAPHY~ Although it was insanely hot, it went great! Lorraine & Greg (our newly engaged photographers) were really nice and fun to work with. I think we got the hang of it and we ended up feeling a lot more comfortable than we expected. I can't wait to see the photos (we should expect them in about 2 weeks or so)!!! I'm really glad we chose Longwood as our site, there were so many amazing "picture perfect" areas. Here are some of the places we had our pics taken:
Chimes Tower & Waterfall

Main Fountain Garden

The Rose Garden

The Flower Garden Walk

*Hair Update*
I heard from the woman who was supposed to show up for the hair trial today. Apparently, she had a double ear infection that gave her terrible vertigo and was making her very confused and out of it. She called 911 after she spoke with me because she could no longer drive and then was at the hospital most of the day. She called me as soon as she got home and apologized and said that she'd go out of her way to make up for it. She can not come tomorrow before we leave because she's not able to drive for 3 days, but she did say that she would come to Baltimore to do the trial. She said she wasn't well enough to plan for that yet, but that she'd call me tomorrow or the next day so we could set something up. If she is willing to come to Baltimore to do the trial (and shows up on time!), I'd be willing to move forward and use her for the wedding.
I fell in love with this up-do, although I'm having a hard time accepting that it's on Taylor Swift. I would like a few modifications, cutting out the curls that are pulled out on the sides and in the back and adding a few loose curls falling from the updo (rather than having the curls pinned so tightly). Here is the picture for my updo inspiration: